Thursday, 30 December 2010

Making Money Program

If any of you are writing to Governor Beshear of Kentucky about the life-sized Noah's Ark the state will be underwriting, don't wait for a reply — he's sending out a standardized form letter, which many people have been forwarding to me. Here it is, in case you haven't got one.

Thank you for contacting me with your concerns about proposed "Ark Encounter" tourist attraction. I appreciate knowing your views.

Bringing new jobs to Kentucky is my top priority, and I believe this project will be beneficial to our future, providing an estimated 900 jobs and $250 million in annual revenue for the regional economy. The theme park is expected to draw 1.6 million visitors in the first year alone. I am excited to have another unique, family-friendly tourist attraction for the state.

The theme park will be funded by private developers at a cost of $150 million. The for-profit developers are seeking state tax incentives under the Kentucky Tourism Development Act - the same program used to help bring the state's first NASCAR race to the Kentucky Speedway. Any tax incentives the project may receive will come in the form of sales tax exemptions once the project is completed, and as long as it meets the guidelines under the Development Act.

The state has reviewed the project from a legal standpoint and, if the Noah's Ark application meets our laws, finds nothing unconstitutional about a for-profit company investing $150 million in Kentucky to create jobs and bring tourism to our state. The tax incentive law does not discriminate among religions and was not created specifically to benefit the theme park. The Tourism Cabinet also is in the process of reviewing the park's application for tax incentives to make sure the project can deliver on certain performance measures. This project is an investment in the future of the Commonwealth and is sure to bring people from across the country to Kentucky.

Again, thank you for sharing your views. As always, please feel free to contact me in the future whenever an issue is important to you.


Steven L. Beshear

I feel like I've been slimed reading that.

First of all, it's not about jobs, and he knows it. That "900 job" estimate is, as near as anyone can tell, a fiction from a feasibility study cobbled together by one of Ken Ham's cronies, and which no one else has actually seen. The state will be coughing up more money than they're telling us, too: AiG is already asking for road expansion. What else can we expect them to ask for?

It's never just about jobs. If it were, the state would be expanding investment in education and would be taxing the churches. There are always other motives behind exactly what the state government will and will not support.

Come on. This project the governor is supporting only reinforces the stereotype of Kentucky as a state full of ignorant hillbillies and gullible rednecks, making the place a laughing stock. Seriously. Fred Flintstone-style dioramas and exhibits of people working with dinosaurs? Dragons, unicorns, and the Loch Ness monster touted as evidence for the Bible? The whole notion of the Ark itself is ludicrous and untenable…and Beshear is simply dismissing reason and evidence to promote superstition and folly in his state. Because it will part the rubes from their cash. That's cynical and contemptible.

If the governor were sincere in his desire to invest in the future of the state, he wouldn't be supporting miseducation and lies and a low-class, rinky-tink gang of pseudoscientific poseurs and bible-thumping con artists.

Jesus’s birthday is coming up. And you know what he wants for his birthday? Nothing more than for you lose weight and become more attractive. As C.S. Lovett helpfully explains in his 1979 book, Help Lord … The Devil Wants Me Fat!, there’s a simple way to not be so fat: stop eating. Just completely stop. See, it’s not hunger that causes you to eat delicious holiday treats, it’s Satan.

Maybe that seems extreme to you. What about clean, natural, whole foods in their purest forms? you might ask. I eat a raw, macrobiotic, vegan diet, and I feel fantastic, you say. Yap, yap, yap. All I hear is Satan telling filthy lies.

Not convinced? People who own the book and have followed the instructed fast simply rave about it!

This book has to be one of the greatest books written concerning weight loss and how to tear down strongholds that the enemy has built in one's mind by causing one to overeat. By putting thoughts in one's mind to eat when one is not really hungry, the devil deceives unsuspecting Christians by the bondage caused by overeating and not being able to serve the Lord, as one would if he was in better shape. (I didn't word that right but you will understand what I mean if you will buy the book.) … [A]fter reading the book I fasted for 11 complete days and there was nothing to it.

—Ndubusi, on Amazon

Some readers feel so passionately about how this book has changed their lives that they even blog about it on SparkPeople.

Most do not think of overeating as a sin but it's the devil's way of getting control of otherwise good Christians who would never think of sinning in other ways, to destroy themselves, bite by bite. It really doesn't matter whether we are bound by drugs, sex or money, the chains still chain us. In reality it wouldn't matter if we were bound by rope, iron or real chains, if we're bound, we're bound…When you look at it as a battle with Satan, it perks up your soul and helps you to determine not to let him win anymore.

Lovett and his wife, Linda, who did the book’s illustrations, encourage you to win your battle with the devil by thinking of your brain (soul?) as a computer that you can program with visualization. Like this:

Like any war with dark forces, this one will require constant vigilance. Much like Santa Claus, Lucifer sees you and what you eat not just when you are awake, but even when you are sleeping.

So now our plan is in place. Let’s make Jesus happy and stick to our inevitable New Year’s resolutions. Just remember, if you break this diet, there's more at stake than skinny jeans and self esteem. There is your immortal soul.

Merry Christmas!

Previously: Looking Pretty for the Holidays.

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Salvatore A. Giunta to Drop the Times Square Ball and 5 Other New <b>...</b>

Salvatore A. Giunta, the first living person to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War, is this year's Times Square ball drop guest of honor. Surge Desk offers 5 facts about the famous New York tradition.

Warren Buffett boosts Iowa wind | Green Tech - CNET <b>News</b>

Berkshire Hathaway-owned subsidiary goes big for wind in Iowa, inks deal with Siemens as turbine provider. Read this blog post by Candace Lombardi on Green Tech.

Fox <b>News</b> Channel&#39;s Kimberly Guilfoyle: Ignore CPAC boycotters <b>...</b>

Former first lady of San Francisco tells groups boycotting February convention to participate if they want to be heard.

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Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Make Making Money

Counterfeiting is an arm’s race to nowhere. An endless struggle, with both sides trying to out-wit the other. While treasuries all around the world try to find new ways to make counterfeiters sweat, and ultimately unable to make fake money, the counterfeiters in the world just need to figure out how those individuals are making new money, and copy it. There have been plenty of options in the past, like watermarks, ink that never dries, holograms, and colors that can’t be copied. But, they’ve all been figured out in one way or another. But now, thanks to thin-film transistors, it may be almost impossible for counterfeiters to get the job done.

The new technology, which is still being fleshed out, is designed to literally wrap around paper money. The thin-film transistors are made out of gold, organic molecules, and aluminum oxide. The transistors are then set into a patterned mask, and laid on top of the money. How would merchants be able to tell if it’s the real deal? Once the film is in place, there would be about 100 different organic and invisible transistors on each side of the paper note. Thanks to a small 3 volt current, the note would seem to turn “on and off.”

So instead of having to use a special marker, a person would just pass the bill over a sensor, and if it manages to generate the required voltage, the bill is real, and they can buy whatever it is they intended on purchasing. There’s no doubt that this seems like a huge step to fight counterfeiting, but let’s face it: it’s necessary. Will it solve the problem? We can probably hope it does for a long time, but it’s probably not a permanent fix.

[via TG Daily]

No summary of 2010, visual or otherwise, would be complete without an extensive overview of what pundits call Monetary Stimulus, quantitative easing or Large Scale Asset Purchases, and the peasantry calls, just as correctly (with a few footnotes), the printing of money. If there are two words that define what we had an absence and an abundance of in the past year, those would be jobs, and money. As some of the key jobs-related charts were presented yesterday, below, once again courtesy of BusinessWeek, are the main charts that among other things demonstrate the various currency manipulation playbooks, the price of gas in bacon and other products, the annotated strength of the dollar through time, and what is actually printed when the Fed does print money.

The first chart shows the progression of dollar strength (and weakness) with an annotation for contemporaneous global events. What is ironic is that while everyone realizes the world is still in a very week position, the core debate over who is weaker - Europe or the US, is sure to provide many hours of entertainment in 2011. And as a bonus, the man whose policies, together with those of Bernanke, are instrumental in just how weak the dollar gets, is presented in his key natural states: from lying just every so slightly, to lying a lot, to lying profusely to save his life, to lying at such a rate, it would make those whose pants are burning, blush with envy. And now you will know how to distinguish the four... 

The next chart deals with the actual money printing, but not in an deeply philosophical manner, one in which hours of debate are wasted over whether trillions in excess reserves are actually printed money (even though the last time someone acquired USTs, MBS, and soon Munis and ETFs, with pixie dust, the legal consequences were not all that palatable). Of the just over $300 billion in actual currency printed in 2010, the vast majority was in $100 bills, next up was $20s, followed by $5s, $10s, and lastly, singles. Not a single $50 bill was printed. Also noted: the amount of cash in corporate America. Of particular interest: GM has more than half of its market value, or $27.5 billion sitting in cash. Lastly, and this not come as a surprise to many, the money multiplier: the money supply divided by the monetary base, is at near record lows, courtesy of the $1 trillion in excess reserves.

Another popular meme in 2010 was pricing X in Y, most often the stock market in gold, in which basis it is still down for the year, as gold (not to mention silver), despite the short memory of many, is by and far the best performing asset class of 2010. Those who followed our advice in early 2010 to avoid stocks and to invest in gold, are ahead of most. The chart below takes a comic approach to this relative performance, showing how much the price of gas changed when priced in other "currencies."

Last, and probably most interesting, is the graphic presentation of the currency manipulator playbook: in a world in which Ben Bernanke knows very well he has little competition when it comes to doing as he chooses with the world's reserve currency (for now), other sovereigns are forced to come up with their unique responses. The playbook below shows all the various defensive tactics adopted so far. Luckily, few offensive plays have been established to date. We doubt that will be the status quo for a long time.

And as John Taylor and many others have pointed out, now that the fiscal "stimulus" of the payroll tax has been exhausted in a few short weeks courtesy of the jump in crude oil, and any further fiscal intervention not likely to occur unless Congress wants another incumbent bloodbath next time around, as Americans are tired of subsidizing banker lifestyles, expect to see many additions to the FX manipulation playbook, as the year progresses and monetary intervention continues to be the only direct way of making sure every new banker bonus year is a record one is via the Fed and its ongoing dollar printing-cum-debasement. That said, should the bankrupt European house of cards continue to wave a white flag of surrender every 3 months, the race to the bottom may not have a clear winner well after 2011 is also history.

All charts courtesy of BusinessWeek

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

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Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

bench craft company scam

Fair &amp; Balanced? Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Big Year (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

From lecturing President Barack Obama on racial sensitivity to inflating threats of terror, Fox News offered more than a few journalistic lessons this year. Fox's ratings continued to top the other major cable networks, while its news ...

How Online <b>News</b> Evolved in 2010

News is changing – quickly. The way it's researched, the way it's reported and the way we access it are all evolving rapidly. 2010 could well be remembered as a key year in the history of online news. Here are the key reasons why. ...

Fugitive Banker Surrenders in $1.2 Million Fraud Case - AOL <b>News</b>

A former Oregon bank manager who fled after she was accused of stealing up to $1.2 million from customers has surrendered in California, the FBI said. The FBI had been seeking 37-year-old Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia since Oct. 27, ...

bench craft company scam

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Making Free Money Online

Netflix is one of the best performing stocks this year, up 225 percent year-to-date, with a $9.3 billion market cap. But it is also priced to perfection, with a lot of short sellers hoping to profit from its fall and antsy Wall Street analysts downgrading the stock. Today, CEO Reed Hastings defended Netflix’s prospects in a very public, very detailed, and very unusual blog post on Seeking Alpha. The post was in response to a specific short seller, Whitney Tilson, who last week laid out his case against Netflix in another Seeking Alpha blog post. By addressing this one short seller, of course, Hastings is trying to address the market’s jitters as a whole, and he does a pretty convincing job of it.

Tilson raised a number of concerns, ranging from the recent resignation of Netflix’s CFO to pressures on Netflix’s margins to market saturation and increasing competition in streaming video. Hastings acknowledges that Tilson “only has to be right on one or two of these issues in 2011 for him to make money on his short of Netflix. . . . Odds are he is wrong on all of them, in my view.”

Hastings then goes on to rebut the short seller’s argument (short sellers are investors who bet against a stock). I’ll summarize each of Hasting’s counter-arguments below:

  • The CFO left because he wasn’t going to become CEO anytime soon.

  • The First Sale Doctrine (which allows Netflix to rent DVDs after purchasing them) may be under attack, but it won’t change in 2011. And Netflix’s video streaming business is growing so fast that by the time it does have any impact on DVD costs, it won’t matter anymore.

  • Internet bandwidth costs should continue to decline, and while ISPs might like to charge content providers for data, that won’t happen in 2011.

  • Free cash flow has taken a hit because of the increased payments Netflix is making to media companies and content owners, but Netflix will begin smoothing that out on a quarterly basis instead of taking big hits once a year.

  • Market saturation in streaming video over the Internet is not yet an issue.  Market demand is still accelerating.

  • Criticisms about “weak content” are not supported by subscriber’s voracious appetite for what Netflix has to offer, but Netflix is trying to get better movies and TV shows all the time.

  • Content costs are going up, but postage costs are going down as viewers shift to streaming.

  • If necessary, Netflix will take a hit to growth before taking a hot to margins.  ”Management at Netflix largely controls margins, but not growth.”

  • Netflix is facing a growing number of competitors in streaming video, but it maintains advantages in scale and brand.

  • TV Everywhere could become a long-term threat, but it is more of a defensive move fro the cable companies rather than a new profit engine.

  • International expansion could have an impact on margins in the short term

Let’s drill down further into some of these issues. Netflix is obviously betting big on the transition to streaming video. The more it can get subscribers to watch streams instead of DVDs, the more it saves on postage. On the flip side, video content owners are demanding more money for those streaming rights. Hastings thinks that concerns about too many streaming services coming online is overblown at this point:

Streaming is growing rapidly; it is propelling Hulu, YouTube, Netflix and others to huge growth rates. Streaming adoption will likely follow the classic S curve, and we’re still on the first part (acceleration) of the S curve. Since we expanded into streaming, Netflix net subscriber additions have been 1.9m in 2008, 2.9m in 2009, and over 7m this year (estimated). While saturation will happen eventually, given the recent huge acceleration of our business specifically, and streaming generally, saturation seems unlikely to hit in the short term.

And while a major new streaming competitor could come in and blow away Netflix’s lead, Hastings makes the case that Netflix has a huge competitive advantage when it comes to the number of existing paying subscribers and its cost to acquire new ones:

For a competitive firm to materially hurt our growth, they have to have some positive differentiator (price, additional content, integration, etc.), and then they have to market their service effectively. This wild-card of major new competitor offering great content and marketing aggressively is the single best near-term short thesis, but no one knows if it will happen in 2011.

The core competitive barrier for direct competitors is brand/subscriber-evangelism. Our large subscriber base is very happy with Netflix, and tells their friends about Netflix. That means that the cost of acquiring the incremental 1m subscribers is lower for us than for a competitor, and thus our net additions are higher

Finally, in terms of the quality of the movies and TV shows Netflix makes available for streaming versus what people get on cable TV, Hastings points out:

. . . at $7.99 per month, consumers don’t expect to have everything under the sun. A variant of this misunderstanding is when DirecTV (DTV) advertises against Netflix, calling out some Netflix content weaknesses. When an $80 per month service is picking on an $8 per month service, the $8 per month service just gets more attention from consumers and grows even faster.

The key question is whether some combination of Netflix, Hulu Plus, YouTube, Google TV and other Internet video services will some day effectively replace the cable TV experience. And if it can, whether that combination will cost more or less than the $80 or more people pay for cable today. But remember, people are already paying for Netflix, which helps Hasting’s case.

Whether or not the stock will keep going up is another question entirely. At $178 a share, would you buy or short the stock?

Christmas cards get more and more expensive every year so if you‘re looking to save money on cards this year, there are a few useful websites where you can create and print template-based printable Christmas cards directly from the website or download high resolution PDF files for printing. Avery half-fold card stock prints well in inkjet printers and they look just as good as the real thing.

I’ve located 5 sites that I found fairly accessible and basically free to use, although there are many others out there that ask for money.   But there is no need to pay anything when you have 5 sites like these that offer free printable Christmas cards.



One of the easiest and straightforward card printing sites is 123printcards. That’s right, in three easy steps, you can customize the title, add a thoughtful message and print our your card on letter size card stock.

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The site has 38 different styles of cards, featuring cute, festive and colorful holiday drawings. Some layouts are color intensive, so they may not print well on regular typing paper.

Another linked page on the site enables you to add a photo to one of eight printable Christmas card templates, featuring images of Santa Claus, snowflakes, snowman, Christmas tree, ornaments, winter scenes, and more. The size of these cards are 5×7, and are useful for Christmas card invitations, seasonal and personal greetings.


KeepandShare has a page of nine Christmas cards of assorted layouts that can be printed on card stock.

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You can download them as single high resolution PDF files and print them out or send them as eCards. Each card has 2 pages in the PDF Christmas card file, so it’s easy to print out. First print out the first side, setting your PDF software to print page “1″. Then flip your paper stock over and put it back in the printer and print page “2″. You don’t have to register on the site to use the resources.


AmericanGreetings offers a more advanced card printing service, in which you can customize templates in their online Create & Print editor.

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You can add photos, artistic elements, customize text, and change font size on the front and inside cover the layouts.

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You can use the service and website for free on a two week trial basis, which enables you to print your card layouts directly from the site. You can also post your Christmas card right on your Facebook account or use it as an e-card.


ActivityVillage includes a collection of a dozen layouts that can be printed directly from the site or downloaded in PDF format. From there, you can hand write your greetings and add art elements.

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These cards are geared more towards kids and maybe your office co-workers. The site also has resources for classroom printables, including holiday posters, coloring pages, games, jigsaws, stories and poems, etc.

Christmas Greetings Ideas

If you’re looking for some inspirational messages for your Christmas cards, check out Printable Greetings. It includes an handful of messages like, Friends and family are like the tinsel on the Christmas tree, they provide the sparkle for the season.

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For additional sites with charming message greetings, check out my MUO article here and for more ideas on season’s greetings, check out Simon’s 3 Sites to Make Funny Video Greeting Cards.

The printable Christmas card sites listed above are the most accessible resources I found, but if there are ones you know about, please share them in the comments section below.

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Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

CLASSIC: Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Headline FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - CLASSIC: Probably Bad News: Headline FAIL.

Obama <b>news</b> conference: liveblog – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama held a news conference Wednesday to discuss the lame duck session of Congress and plans for the upcoming year.

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Rihanna joins the Dance Central Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our Xbox 360 news of Rihanna joins the Dance Central.

CLASSIC: Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Headline FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - CLASSIC: Probably Bad News: Headline FAIL.

Obama <b>news</b> conference: liveblog – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama held a news conference Wednesday to discuss the lame duck session of Congress and plans for the upcoming year.

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Obama <b>news</b> conference: liveblog – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama held a news conference Wednesday to discuss the lame duck session of Congress and plans for the upcoming year.

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Obama <b>news</b> conference: liveblog – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama held a news conference Wednesday to discuss the lame duck session of Congress and plans for the upcoming year.

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Obama <b>news</b> conference: liveblog – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama held a news conference Wednesday to discuss the lame duck session of Congress and plans for the upcoming year.

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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

foreclosure victims

Ask not for whom the foreclosure bell tolls house flippers.  It tolls for thee.

With profuse apologies to Ernest Hemingway, that butchered metaphor sums up the predicament facing many real estate investors caught in a legal Noman’s land caused by the robo-signing scandal which has left them with properties which they are no longer sure they own.  If they want to get their money back, they may have to prove that the bank knew it was conning them, something that may be difficult to do. They also may face legal action from people evicted from their homes because of faulty paperwork

A foreclosure freeze that several banks instituted hurt sales of existing homes in several hard-hit markets.  Foreclosure auctions have plunged more than 30 percent in California, Nevada and Arizona, according to ForeclosureRadar. Sales of existing homes in Florida tumbled 21 percent in October compared with a year ago.

Though several banks including Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) and housing finance giant Fannie Mae have restarted at least some foreclosures, the process has been irrevocably tainted by the industry’s apparent willingness to put profits above the law.  Their legal exposure  may be gigantic — billions of dollars — particularly if courts find that they improperly evicted people from their residences.  Not only could the foreclosure be reversed, but they could face punitive damages as could the realtors and attorneys involved in the transaction.

But what about the people who bought these homes?  That’s where things get a little dicey.   Clearly, their rights were violated as well.   But in the legal tsunami created by the robo-signed documents, they should be last in the pecking order.  Many of them, particularly sophisticated investors looking for a quick flip, probably knew or should have known that something was amiss.  How is it that the foreclosure process — which is purposely cumbersome to protect the rights of homeowners — suddenly became streamlined?  What about the same people’s names appearing in hundreds of documents?  That did raise any red flags either.

“The ones who are really upset are the investors, who buy on the courthouse steps,” said Kevin Berman, a broker with Bankers Realty Services in Fort Lauderdale, Fla, told CNNMoney. “There used to be sometimes 700 sales a day. Now there are like, seven.”

Adds to this the lower prices that new homes are fetching and it becomes even harder for flippers to make a profit on an existing dwelling that has been extensively fixed up.  It’s human nature to prefer something new over something old if they are priced about the same.

Still, there are thousands of people in this country who believe they have what it takes to become the next Donald Trump.  They get plenty of encouragement from cable television shows such as A&E’s “Flip This House” and Bravo’s “Flipping Out” and TLC’s “The Property Ladder.”   Though these programs do illustrate the downside of flipping — potentially losing boatloads of cash — they make it seem like a grand adventure.  These shows offer as realistic view of real estate as  “Gray’s Anatomy”  does for  medicine.  Untold millions watch the flipping shows, though, and figure that if those bozos on TV can do it, so can I.

This sort of delusional or magical thinking is evidence of what economists call a moral hazard.  Essentially, it means that the government shouldn’t reward people for making stupid decisions.   Though the idea was turned on its head during the recent bailouts of industry, it is still a worthwhile idea.  It shows ` there are consequences to actions.   People who acquired homes that they should have known they couldn’t afford crossed the moral hazard threshold.   They deserve some help, particularly if they can prove they were victims of fraud.   Otherwise, their rights should come secondary to the victims of fraudulent mortgage documents.  Flippers are private businesspeople who should have known the risks they were getting into before they entered a deal.   Few if any deserve government help.

Real estate has become a spectator sport in the U.S., which is unfortunate because many people have business playing it.

Jon Berr

ubetchaiam @ 30

I’m not sure I understand your hypothesis wrt the MBS tranches. No one who I’ve been reading, about foreclosure, writes about what’s happening to the thousands of houses in foreclosure, except as one-off anecdotes. There was a NYT magazine article about Cleveland last year that indicated there are thousands of vacant, stripped houses that the banks have abandoned, and a pattern of sending foreclosure notices, the people moving out, the house being stripped, and then the bank stops the foreclosure in order to avoid responsibility. But this may just be Cleveland and similar rust belt cities. I’m wondering about the pattern in newer, spiffier towns and neighborhoods, such as the Inland Empire in CA or Cape Coral, FL.

The suspicion that Fannie and Freddie are winding up with these houses is very strong, having just read Mortgage Lenders Meet Resistance in Courts (scroll down) with a graph captioned: “PILING UP: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are acquiring foreclosed homes faster than they are selling them, creating a backlog of foreclosed properties that must be sold.”

Getting back to the MBS tranches: If you mean that the foreclosures are to trigger CDSs, ok. But who’s paying off on the CDSs at this point? That news seems to be off the radar now. BAC is suing Old Republic, its mortgage insurer who has now stopped paying.


@ 31

I actually learned nothing in the Taibbi article that I hadn’t already learned over the past two years of reading about foreclosure fraud (and personal experience). He did an excellent job, as usual, in telling the story of this outrageous fraud, except for one major, major narrative: the intentional servicer fraud, designed to force people into foreclosure, regardless of HAMP. If he wants to really explain why the ‘deadbeat borrower’ narrative is so very wrong he needs to write about the way people who could afford their mortgages are forced out by tacking on outrageous fees. One might even get the idea that the game is to see how quickly the servicers can force people into default, so that the bank can reclaim and re-mortgage the houses. In essence the banks are the house-flippers, taking huge fees, mortgage insurance, and bonuses at each flip.

The case of Ms. Cooper is the norm. The funny thing it points out is the lack of anyone at the foreclosure mills to keep time lines on the cases, in order to make sure the dates on the robo-signed documents conform to a plausible narrative for the foreclosure and how the bank came to have (fictitious) standing. This is more of an indictment of the courts, than just mere sloppiness or carelessness of the foreclosure mills: The fact that it wasn’t deemed worth the bother because the judges wouldn’t notice. Fact: none of the documents exist until foreclosure begins. The documents acquire dates when the robo-signers process and sign them. The depo of Tammie Lou Kapusta explains how it was recognized at one point that the notary stamps were dated differently from the signatures they purported to witness, and that thence forward they had to make the notary dates match the signature date not the date that the notary seal was applied. That’s how sloppy the paperwork was. And it’s those kinds of issues that the banks were trying to clean up in October, during their moratorium.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 12/8 - Arrowhead Pride

It's Wednesday and we still have a 2 game lead in the West with 4 games to play. I just like saying that. Lots of Kansas City Chiefs news today. Enjoy!

The arrest of Julian Assange: as it happened | <b>News</b> |

Follow the latest reaction and fallout as the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is denied bail, and the latest leaked cables reveal US plans to defend Poland and Baltic states against Russia.

John Lennon Remembered: 10/9/40 – 12/8/80 | Rolling Stone Music

Thirty years ago today — on December 8, 1980 — John Lennon was murdered outside of his New York apartment building by a deranged fan. Three days befor...

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

foreclosure help

Here's something to be thankful for this day: Elizabeth Warren in Obama's economic team, already protecting consumers. HuffPo's Shahien Nasiripour reviews the record, and finds she was instrumental in recognizing the potential danger in the out-of-state notarization bill that Obama eventually vetoed.

The bill, which passed both houses of Congress and awaited President Obama's signature to become law, essentially would have compelled notaries to accept out-of-state notarizations, regardless of the rules in those states.

State officials across the country--who have been pursuing probes looking into wrongdoing within the foreclosure process-- feared that those jurisdictions with lax standards could have become hotbeds for foreclosure documentation fraud. Lenders and mortgage companies could have used those states as central clearing houses to produce bogus foreclosure paperwork, and then export those documents to other states with more stringent regulations--an expedient bypass around the strictures.

Obama ultimately declined to sign the law, and the House of Representatives failed to override the veto.

Officials said Warren was among the first federal officials to recognize the significance of the notary bill, titled the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010. She met with authorities from several states and then relayed their concerns to influential administration officials.

During the morning of Oct. 6, Warren's team at the Treasury Department wrote the first memos on the bill, raising questions about the possible consequences if it became law, these people said.

That evening, Warren met for 30 minutes with Peter Rouse, Obama's interim chief of staff, her calendar shows. She later spent an hour on the phone with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who once sued Countrywide Financial and exacted an $8.4 billion multi-state settlement.

The next day, Warren participated in an afternoon meeting on the bill, her calendar shows. During that meeting one of Obama's top spokesmen, Dan Pfeiffer, posted an entry on the White House Blog explaining why Obama would not sign the bill.

On Oct. 8, Obama declined to sign the bill into law, citing the need for "further deliberations about the possible unintended impact" of the bill on "consumer protections, including those for mortgages."

Documents released Wednesday show that Warren met or spoke with at least eight state officials leading a 50-state investigation into possibly-fraudulent mortgage documentation practices.

As Nasiripour notes, Warren is increasingly being targeted by Republicans who want to stymy the work of the new agency. Knowing full well the forces that would line up against her, Warren has been meeting extensively with "bankers and their representatives. Financial executives and lobbyists have noted that Warren was reaching out to them more than they initially expected." Hopefully that outreach will help immunize her from her critics, because we need her, as the notarization bill veto demonstrates.

(See MediaFreeze's recommended diary for further discussion.)

(We never hear much anymore about that $25 billion dollar outlay from Fannie and Freddie, do we?)

There’s so much to talk about here. First off, if you subtract it out, roughly $38 billion in TARP savings is coming from under-delivery on HAMP. That’s 152% of the estimated total cost of the entire program. So if HAMP fulfilled its goals, TARP would have cost 152% more. In other words, a big element of the persistent theme of TARP “saving taxpayers money” comes from the government reneging on its promise to help struggling homeowners.

Second, the report makes clear that $8 billion of the $12 billion that will ultimately be spent comes from unrelated mortgage-relief programs outside of HAMP itself. In reality, HAMP will get a $4 billion dollar commitment when all is said and done, just 8% of the total allocated. The Hardest Hit Fund (grants to states with the biggest housing problems) and the FHA Short Refinance program (incentive payments for underwater borrowers), two programs created on the fly, will end up spending twice as much money as the Administration’s signature foreclosure mitigation program.

Third, this is a far more realistic assessment of HAMP than OMB’s insistence that $46 billion of the $50 billion will be spent. Unlike that projection, CBO looks at the actual numbers of homeowners participating in the program. This has fallen off considerably in recent months. Given that only 483,000 homeowners are currently in active, permanent modifications, and that fewer and fewer get their trial mods converted with each passing month, CBO’s numbers are simply more realistic. For OMB to be correct, some flood of permanent modifications would have to enter the system over the next year, and servicers don’t really want to modify any loans. So that’s not happening.

Fourth, let’s stipulate that HAMP was insufficient to deal with the enormity of the foreclosure mess even if it had worked perfectly. Federal Reserve Governor Elizabeth Duke testified before Congress a couple weeks ago that she expects 6.5 million more foreclosure filings between now and 2012, and if you add in 2009 you’d have over 8 million foreclosures while HAMP was active; other analysts put the number as high as 11 million. So its goal of 3-4 million modifications was under half of total foreclosure filings. And in reality, it didn’t cover more than 6%.

Fifth, as John Taylor of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition told CNBC yesterday, this unending stream of foreclosures serves as a lead weight on the economy. If you are going to cut back on any expenditure, the one that would curtail the supply on the market, stabilize neighborhoods, provide a floor for housing prices and start to allow homeowners to build equity again would not be the one.

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

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Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

- h p -

Here's something to be thankful for this day: Elizabeth Warren in Obama's economic team, already protecting consumers. HuffPo's Shahien Nasiripour reviews the record, and finds she was instrumental in recognizing the potential danger in the out-of-state notarization bill that Obama eventually vetoed.

The bill, which passed both houses of Congress and awaited President Obama's signature to become law, essentially would have compelled notaries to accept out-of-state notarizations, regardless of the rules in those states.

State officials across the country--who have been pursuing probes looking into wrongdoing within the foreclosure process-- feared that those jurisdictions with lax standards could have become hotbeds for foreclosure documentation fraud. Lenders and mortgage companies could have used those states as central clearing houses to produce bogus foreclosure paperwork, and then export those documents to other states with more stringent regulations--an expedient bypass around the strictures.

Obama ultimately declined to sign the law, and the House of Representatives failed to override the veto.

Officials said Warren was among the first federal officials to recognize the significance of the notary bill, titled the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010. She met with authorities from several states and then relayed their concerns to influential administration officials.

During the morning of Oct. 6, Warren's team at the Treasury Department wrote the first memos on the bill, raising questions about the possible consequences if it became law, these people said.

That evening, Warren met for 30 minutes with Peter Rouse, Obama's interim chief of staff, her calendar shows. She later spent an hour on the phone with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who once sued Countrywide Financial and exacted an $8.4 billion multi-state settlement.

The next day, Warren participated in an afternoon meeting on the bill, her calendar shows. During that meeting one of Obama's top spokesmen, Dan Pfeiffer, posted an entry on the White House Blog explaining why Obama would not sign the bill.

On Oct. 8, Obama declined to sign the bill into law, citing the need for "further deliberations about the possible unintended impact" of the bill on "consumer protections, including those for mortgages."

Documents released Wednesday show that Warren met or spoke with at least eight state officials leading a 50-state investigation into possibly-fraudulent mortgage documentation practices.

As Nasiripour notes, Warren is increasingly being targeted by Republicans who want to stymy the work of the new agency. Knowing full well the forces that would line up against her, Warren has been meeting extensively with "bankers and their representatives. Financial executives and lobbyists have noted that Warren was reaching out to them more than they initially expected." Hopefully that outreach will help immunize her from her critics, because we need her, as the notarization bill veto demonstrates.

(See MediaFreeze's recommended diary for further discussion.)

(We never hear much anymore about that $25 billion dollar outlay from Fannie and Freddie, do we?)

There’s so much to talk about here. First off, if you subtract it out, roughly $38 billion in TARP savings is coming from under-delivery on HAMP. That’s 152% of the estimated total cost of the entire program. So if HAMP fulfilled its goals, TARP would have cost 152% more. In other words, a big element of the persistent theme of TARP “saving taxpayers money” comes from the government reneging on its promise to help struggling homeowners.

Second, the report makes clear that $8 billion of the $12 billion that will ultimately be spent comes from unrelated mortgage-relief programs outside of HAMP itself. In reality, HAMP will get a $4 billion dollar commitment when all is said and done, just 8% of the total allocated. The Hardest Hit Fund (grants to states with the biggest housing problems) and the FHA Short Refinance program (incentive payments for underwater borrowers), two programs created on the fly, will end up spending twice as much money as the Administration’s signature foreclosure mitigation program.

Third, this is a far more realistic assessment of HAMP than OMB’s insistence that $46 billion of the $50 billion will be spent. Unlike that projection, CBO looks at the actual numbers of homeowners participating in the program. This has fallen off considerably in recent months. Given that only 483,000 homeowners are currently in active, permanent modifications, and that fewer and fewer get their trial mods converted with each passing month, CBO’s numbers are simply more realistic. For OMB to be correct, some flood of permanent modifications would have to enter the system over the next year, and servicers don’t really want to modify any loans. So that’s not happening.

Fourth, let’s stipulate that HAMP was insufficient to deal with the enormity of the foreclosure mess even if it had worked perfectly. Federal Reserve Governor Elizabeth Duke testified before Congress a couple weeks ago that she expects 6.5 million more foreclosure filings between now and 2012, and if you add in 2009 you’d have over 8 million foreclosures while HAMP was active; other analysts put the number as high as 11 million. So its goal of 3-4 million modifications was under half of total foreclosure filings. And in reality, it didn’t cover more than 6%.

Fifth, as John Taylor of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition told CNBC yesterday, this unending stream of foreclosures serves as a lead weight on the economy. If you are going to cut back on any expenditure, the one that would curtail the supply on the market, stabilize neighborhoods, provide a floor for housing prices and start to allow homeowners to build equity again would not be the one.

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Here's something to be thankful for this day: Elizabeth Warren in Obama's economic team, already protecting consumers. HuffPo's Shahien Nasiripour reviews the record, and finds she was instrumental in recognizing the potential danger in the out-of-state notarization bill that Obama eventually vetoed.

The bill, which passed both houses of Congress and awaited President Obama's signature to become law, essentially would have compelled notaries to accept out-of-state notarizations, regardless of the rules in those states.

State officials across the country--who have been pursuing probes looking into wrongdoing within the foreclosure process-- feared that those jurisdictions with lax standards could have become hotbeds for foreclosure documentation fraud. Lenders and mortgage companies could have used those states as central clearing houses to produce bogus foreclosure paperwork, and then export those documents to other states with more stringent regulations--an expedient bypass around the strictures.

Obama ultimately declined to sign the law, and the House of Representatives failed to override the veto.

Officials said Warren was among the first federal officials to recognize the significance of the notary bill, titled the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010. She met with authorities from several states and then relayed their concerns to influential administration officials.

During the morning of Oct. 6, Warren's team at the Treasury Department wrote the first memos on the bill, raising questions about the possible consequences if it became law, these people said.

That evening, Warren met for 30 minutes with Peter Rouse, Obama's interim chief of staff, her calendar shows. She later spent an hour on the phone with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who once sued Countrywide Financial and exacted an $8.4 billion multi-state settlement.

The next day, Warren participated in an afternoon meeting on the bill, her calendar shows. During that meeting one of Obama's top spokesmen, Dan Pfeiffer, posted an entry on the White House Blog explaining why Obama would not sign the bill.

On Oct. 8, Obama declined to sign the bill into law, citing the need for "further deliberations about the possible unintended impact" of the bill on "consumer protections, including those for mortgages."

Documents released Wednesday show that Warren met or spoke with at least eight state officials leading a 50-state investigation into possibly-fraudulent mortgage documentation practices.

As Nasiripour notes, Warren is increasingly being targeted by Republicans who want to stymy the work of the new agency. Knowing full well the forces that would line up against her, Warren has been meeting extensively with "bankers and their representatives. Financial executives and lobbyists have noted that Warren was reaching out to them more than they initially expected." Hopefully that outreach will help immunize her from her critics, because we need her, as the notarization bill veto demonstrates.

(See MediaFreeze's recommended diary for further discussion.)

(We never hear much anymore about that $25 billion dollar outlay from Fannie and Freddie, do we?)

There’s so much to talk about here. First off, if you subtract it out, roughly $38 billion in TARP savings is coming from under-delivery on HAMP. That’s 152% of the estimated total cost of the entire program. So if HAMP fulfilled its goals, TARP would have cost 152% more. In other words, a big element of the persistent theme of TARP “saving taxpayers money” comes from the government reneging on its promise to help struggling homeowners.

Second, the report makes clear that $8 billion of the $12 billion that will ultimately be spent comes from unrelated mortgage-relief programs outside of HAMP itself. In reality, HAMP will get a $4 billion dollar commitment when all is said and done, just 8% of the total allocated. The Hardest Hit Fund (grants to states with the biggest housing problems) and the FHA Short Refinance program (incentive payments for underwater borrowers), two programs created on the fly, will end up spending twice as much money as the Administration’s signature foreclosure mitigation program.

Third, this is a far more realistic assessment of HAMP than OMB’s insistence that $46 billion of the $50 billion will be spent. Unlike that projection, CBO looks at the actual numbers of homeowners participating in the program. This has fallen off considerably in recent months. Given that only 483,000 homeowners are currently in active, permanent modifications, and that fewer and fewer get their trial mods converted with each passing month, CBO’s numbers are simply more realistic. For OMB to be correct, some flood of permanent modifications would have to enter the system over the next year, and servicers don’t really want to modify any loans. So that’s not happening.

Fourth, let’s stipulate that HAMP was insufficient to deal with the enormity of the foreclosure mess even if it had worked perfectly. Federal Reserve Governor Elizabeth Duke testified before Congress a couple weeks ago that she expects 6.5 million more foreclosure filings between now and 2012, and if you add in 2009 you’d have over 8 million foreclosures while HAMP was active; other analysts put the number as high as 11 million. So its goal of 3-4 million modifications was under half of total foreclosure filings. And in reality, it didn’t cover more than 6%.

Fifth, as John Taylor of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition told CNBC yesterday, this unending stream of foreclosures serves as a lead weight on the economy. If you are going to cut back on any expenditure, the one that would curtail the supply on the market, stabilize neighborhoods, provide a floor for housing prices and start to allow homeowners to build equity again would not be the one.

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

Carnahan Camp To Fox <b>News</b>: Why Single Us Out? | TPMMuckraker

Lawyers for former Senate Candidate Robin Carnahan are arguing that the Fox News network is singling the Missouri Democrat out in its lawsuit alleging her campaign violated the network's copyrights.

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 &amp; Lens Profile Downloader <b>...</b>

Adobe releases Lightroom 3.3, ACR 6.3 & Lens Profile Downloader: Adobe has released Photoshop Lightroom 3.3, Camera Raw 6.3 and DNG Converter 6.3. These are final versions of updates that were originally posted as 'release candidates' ...

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Provided by More Than Eight Million People Drop Out of Credit Card Use More than eight million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year, according to a new study by TransUnion. The use of general purpose ...

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